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People my age so ignorant with music

Posts: 285
I know you are Bassguy1 and that is why everyone in here appreciates what you have to say.
Thanks Mayhem.
Thanks Mayhem.
Thanks Mayhem.
Don't know why it did that three times……….. Sorry everyone.
Posts: 285
Calm down, don't get excited
Internet at my school is being super laggy today….
Posts: 1594
BassGuy you must be high as @$!#. Metal today is mostly the same?! Hahahaahahaha that's hilarious. It's a whole bunch of posers. The only good rock anymore is noise rock and indie rock.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Man, you really shouldn't have told us your age. When I hear a 14-year-old drop an F-bomb, my first instinct is to tell them to watch their mouth LOL
Posts: 461
We live among the F-Bomb generation Lon

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