0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

People my age so ignorant with music

Lon you're not missing out on much. Phones are pretty much shit. And vinyl is the best way to go. If you're rich
Dude, my mom has over 400 records, including a copy of Ozzy Osbourne's Bark at the Moon that has the packaging on it still. She inharited the collection from my grandma.
Posts: 1594
I've bought 23 records for 30 dollars
Posts: 3143
I'm at the age now where my generation – Generation X, the counter-culture generation – has fallen aside and been taken over by the modern generation. It's actually difficult for me when I hear stuff like Nirvana or Alice in Chains popping up on “classic rock” channels because it only reminds me that I'm getting older, and while it's been over 20 years since Smells Like Teen Spirit noted the first step in that generational step, it doesn't FEEL like over 20 years ago for me. Yet the stuff I believed in, the stuff my generation believed in, has been rendered obsolete and, worse, irrelevant. And this extends to music, as well. I go into town wearing a Collective Soul tee or cranking some Frank Black and I can practically feel the younger folks looking at me and thinking “The @$!#'s that old shit?”Also folks of my generation were hugely anti-corporate, so this modern era which has seen Wall Street running the country, an Ipad on every lap and the likes of Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Justin Fucking Beiber hogging all the radio waves is anathema to me. I can see it now. I'm going to be one of those crotchety old bastards who spends his days on the front porch reminiscing about the good ol' days while casting dispersions on the arrogant young punks out on the street cranking their Nas and Li'l Wayne.Sigh…
If its any consolation Lon, you're just a wee bairn compared to me but I feel sorry for todays generation who have missed some fantastic music, I was a child when The Beatles, The Stones, The Small Faces, Petrr Greens Fleetwood Mac etc ruled the airwaves, I came of age with punk, got into the best of the 80s like Joy Division, The Smiths etc and I wouldnt change it for anything
Posts: 58
You just listed some of my favorite James tracks. I had never heard of Colin James before I moved to Canada for a year back in late ‘00. I was watching a morning show and saw him do a live performance of “Hide” (off the album “Fuse” ) and bam, I was sold. Made it a point after that to hit the local music store and snatch up as many of his albums as were available. Speaking of “Hide,” it’s on my tabs-to-do list. And I just did a quick search, and say what? No James tabs at all on BBT??? That's just criminal.
You're right, that is criminal. I might have to give a go at tabbing a few of his songs too… right after I finish off The Headpins - Don't It Make Ya Feel
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I tabbed Five Long Years on bass for Ultimate-Guitar a while back, but I had a cruddy set of PC speakers at the time and am not sure it was totally accurate. Think I'll re-do it for BBT.
Posts: 189
Of the modern music stars I quite like katy perry for her music..other than that they all seem a bit dull and without wit..

too conformist for my old gen-x ways

Posts: 285
Lon - good idea about your Five Long Years tab. It will be interesting to see how much you have to revise your original work
Posts: 285
Not everything out today is crap, but in my mind most of it is. I know i'm geting old because most of the new stuff leaves me cold. I keep looking backwards to when music was so much better. There were proper musicians who could play an instrument not just a turntable. There were people who could sing, not just have an ability to talk in rhyme. There were people who had an ability to write a new song, not sample off every old record going. There are elements of what I have just said that are good and that are very clever, but it's a very small percentage. Music for the iPod generation sounds crap, everything is mastered to a poorer standard (the loud war) and we get ripped off in buying sub standard quality music. MP3's are not CD quality!
As for the kids today, I really do feel sorry for them. They missed out on so much and what is on offer today is just so bland. To make it they all want to appear on the X Factor/American Idol to get famous. No thought of starting a band and playing live like the good old days!
Young people today are ignorant but only because of the way music is presented to them. If they were offered it the old way it would still work. Luckily there are young people out there that look to the older music because they can appreciate quality & ignore the mass produced bile that is on offer to them right now. Those people are who i look forward to discovering in the future, people who i want to talk music with. Not sure how bright the future is but there are sparks and there are lights at the end of those tunnels
Posts: 461
Nicely said mayhem.
Not everything out today is crap, but in my mind most of it is. I know i'm geting old because most of the new stuff leaves me cold. I keep looking backwards to when music was so much better. There were proper musicians who could play an instrument not just a turntable. There were people who could sing, not just have an ability to talk in rhyme. There were people who had an ability to write a new song, not sample off every old record going. There are elements of what I have just said that are good and that are very clever, but it's a very small percentage. Music for the iPod generation sounds crap, everything is mastered to a poorer standard (the loud war) and we get ripped off in buying sub standard quality music. MP3's are not CD quality! As for the kids today, I really do feel sorry for them. They missed out on so much and what is on offer today is just so bland. To make it they all want to appear on the X Factor/American Idol to get famous. No thought of starting a band and playing live like the good old days!Young people today are ignorant but only because of the way music is presented to them. If they were offered it the old way it would still work. Luckily there are young people out there that look to the older music because they can appreciate quality & ignore the mass produced bile that is on offer to them right now. Those people are who i look forward to discovering in the future, people who i want to talk music with. Not sure how bright the future is but there are sparks and there are lights at the end of those tunnels
I happen to be one of those young people that looks to the music of the past, because it doesn't suck. Only new stuff out there today that I like is metal, because it hasn't changed too much.

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