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People my age so ignorant with music

Posts: 58
Thanks Lon and yeah, not quite sure why Colin never really caught on outside Canada. Some great music… Voodoo Thing, Five Long Years, Just Came Back. Not to mention the “Little Big Band” albums.
Shit, haven't listened to some of that stuff in a while. Now I'll be up half the night
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
You just listed some of my favorite James tracks. I had never heard of Colin James before I moved to Canada for a year back in late ‘00. I was watching a morning show and saw him do a live performance of “Hide” (off the album “Fuse” ) and bam, I was sold. Made it a point after that to hit the local music store and snatch up as many of his albums as were available.

Speaking of “Hide,” it’s on my tabs-to-do list. And I just did a quick search, and say what? No James tabs at all on BBT??? That's just criminal.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I'm sitting here with an iPad on my lap

This is my point!
Posts: 1594
Quote: I'm sitting here with an iPad on my lap This is my point!

Well you know what Lon? I have an iPhone 4. Like that slow bastard will be able to process this. Plus the whole screen shattered in a Lifeproof case
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
CDs… damn. My first car ('79 Ford Granada) had a factory installed 8-track player. You could buy these adapters that you put a cassette tape into, then insert the whole thing into the 8-track machine. Worked pretty decent, but you sometimes had to fold up a book of matches and slide them in under the adapter (or 8-track tape itself if you were playing one) to get it to align properly.Ah, the good old days!!

I grew up on 8-tracks and vinyls. To this day I still prefer their scratchy, grainy sounds over super-crisp digitized music. Much like VHS tapes, you can tell which parts were played most by the previous owners based on how more grainy and fuzzy they are compared to the rest of the tracks. In that way, every vinyl, 8-track (and cassette tape, as far as that goes) comes with its own “personality” in a way. Like, when I was 13 a friend of my big sister's gave me all his Van Halen cassettes before he moved away, and I remember sitting there listening to them and thinking stuff like, “ Damn, he must have really loved Ice Cream Man, because it sounds like total shit.”
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Well you know what Lon? I have an iPhone 4. Like that slow bastard will be able to process this. Plus the whole screen shattered in a Lifeproof case

Dude, I'm so old-school I don't even own a cell phone, let alone know what an iPhone 4 is. Seriously, I have literally squandered relationships based on my refusal to own a cell phone.
Posts: 1594
Lon you're not missing out on much. Phones are pretty much shit. And vinyl is the best way to go. If you're rich
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Or if you're old enough to have bought them when they were still making them, and smart enough to have held onto them.
8-tracks… damn
Vynal….. Damn…
Musically, we all get gapped sooner or later. I empathize with Lon, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, the grunge that shook the music world from Seattle, now considered classic rock. How about music that came out the Fillmore in the late 60's?The great music is timeless. If you seek it, eventually you find the treasure trove that it has become. Nothing against the Idol wannabes or some troubled Canadian, who hasn't worn out his pack of razor blades, I like what I like, but it isn't what you kids would call “pop music” or rap. I like fuz and distortion, with a hint of blues.

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