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Well, I'm not so sure about that boy - his shirts have sleeves!!
The older we get the shorter our sleeves. This runs in the family.
Posts: 270
How short can your sleeves get Jay???
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1938
I imagine in Jay's family, by the time they're eighty, they're basically walking around in tube tops.
Posts: 270
I imagine in Jay's family, by the time they're eighty, they're basically walking around in tube tops.

OMG!!! The mind boggles! Too funny Lon.
Posts: 26
That would make for a very interesting video!
I imagine in Jay's family, by the time they're eighty, they're basically walking around in tube tops.
By the time we're eighty, we're walking around on a subtropical island. No tops required at all.
Posts: 270
Oh my , Jay living the high life! Takes island living to a new level.
Oh my , Jay living the high life! Takes island living to a new level.
In fact, life is way cheaper on a warm island. No heating costs, no isolation, less clothing…
Posts: 270
Very true Jay!You keep losing that clothing in the tropics…
Very true Jay!You keep losing that clothing in the tropics…
…and loosening.

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