0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tool — Sober (ver 2) bass tabs

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Tool:Sober(99% perfect)

This Tab should be almost perfect because I use an official
song tab book for
reference. If any parts are schetchy, it is most likely because
some parts of the page
were worn and I had to do the slightest bit of improv. So here it is:


Irregular tuning: "Drop to D" so that it's: "D A D G"

Use an Electric 4 string Bass with a pick.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Key: #
# #
# x= dead note #
# /\= slide (/=up)(\=down) #
# V= down stoke #
# ^= up stroke #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Begining (intro):

(play this 7 times then play next once)

V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ ^ V V ^
{T }
{A }
{B }


V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ V ^ V ^
{ }
{ }
{ }

(play once with ebding A, then once with ending B)

V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ ^ V V ^
{T }
{A }
{B }


V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ ^ V V ^
{ }
{ }
{ }


V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^
{T }
{A }
{B }

The 1st and 2nd verses:

1.There's a shadow......
2.I am just......

(play 3 times then do next) next———>
V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ V
{T { }
{A { }
{B { }

(play 3 times then do next) next———>
V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ V V ^ V ^
{T { }
{A { }
{B { }

Pre Choruses:

2.Mother Mary.......

(play two times before chorus)
{T } {——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————}
{A } {——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————}
{B }{———12——12—12———12—12—12—12—12—12—12—12—12——0———3——3—3———3—3—3—3—3—/—13—13—13——13—13———}


Why can't We......

(After playing once, Go back to 1st and 2nd verses part
and play through from 1st and second verses part all of the
way to right before the lead in to the 3rd verse which will
suppost to have been what you just played before that)
V ^
{T }
{A }
{B }

V ^
{T }
{A }
{A }

{T } {————————————0——0————————————1——1—————————————————————}
{A }
{B } {——————0——————————————1—————————————3——3——3——3——3——3——}

{T }
{A }
{B }

(two times then do A)
V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ ^ V ^ V ^
{———7——7——————————————7——7———————————————————————————}{T } {———0——0——x——x——x——x——0——0————x——————x———x——x——x——x——}{A } {———5——5——x——x——x——x——5——5————x——————x———x——x——x——x——}
{B }

A———> (play B after A)
V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ ^ ^ V V ^
{T }
{A }
{B }

V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ V
{T }
{A }
{B }

The Lead in to the 3rd verse:

{T }
{A }
{B }

{T }
{A }
{B }

{T }
{A }
{B }

3rd Verse!!!:

I am just.....

{T }
{A }
{B }

{T }
{A }
{B }

{A }
{B }

{T }
{A }
{B }


(play 4 times then play next)

{T }
{A }
{B }

{T }
{A }
{B }

next———> (play 3 times then do END)

{T }
{A }
{B }


{T }
{A }
{B }

Hope it was Useful!
Tablature player for this song:
Tool - Sober (ver 2) Bass Tab

Other versions of Sober


7 months, 2 weeks ago
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I make up to $24 an hour working from my home. My story is that I quit working at Walmart to work online and with a little effort I easily bring in around $45h to $89h… Someone was good to me by sharing this link with me, so now I am hoping I could help someone else out there by sharing this link.Try it, you won't regret it!.


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