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The Most Overrated Musicians In The Biz Today

Fair enough Lon. That's a valid argument. I was in his boat, except I was the 19 year old, but I kept my hands and other things to myself for sake of legality reasons. I don't fancy being cell mates with Big Bubba….
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1939
I'm all about fair.

Sorry if I sidetracked the thread. That just really caught me off my guard LOL
I'm all about fair. Sorry if I sidetracked the thread. That just really caught me off my guard LOL
It did kinda throw a bit of a curve ball, didn't it?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1939
This is what I'm saying. You're on the forum, you're rapping about music, suddenly BAM – pedophilia. Nolan Ryan couldn't throw a harsher curve ball than that LOL
Posts: 3143
Yes I agree with everyone, just to be on the safe side I think I should take that 19 year old off Linkin
Posts: 1593
Hahahaha I found out in Missouri if you're 15 and you're “lover” is 18-20 it's legal. 3 more months
Posts: 1593
The only reason I know that is because my sister and her boyfriend started dating when she was 15 and he was 18
Posts: 58
Damn, I feel old…
This is what I'm saying. You're on the forum, you're rapping about music, suddenly BAM – pedophilia. Nolan Ryan couldn't throw a harsher curve ball than that LOL
Agreed Lon, agreed.
Hahahaha I found out in Missouri if you're 15 and you're “lover” is 18-20 it's legal. 3 more months
Only 15? It has to be 17 to 18 in Wyoming.

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