0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


i'll either play YYZ or some jaco stuff cuz im a total A-hole. either that or some of my tapping stuff cuz again…i'm a total A-hole.

You should do the tapping solo of Take No Prisoners by Megadeth. Someone please post a video of that
Posts: 3143
Jaco was great but I just don't get his stuff! A lot of it isn't even music!!
Jaco was great but I just don't get his stuff! A lot of it isn't even music!!

I agree
Posts: 180
I wouldn't say it's not music, though alot of his stuff is convoluted.
I look at him as more of a teacher than anything.
whether you like him or not, he did alot for the bass (if you ask me).

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