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Jay, I'm gonna be straight up with you… you need to bring the song you're covering down and bring your bass up in the audio mix. I can't hear your playing over the song.So for that matter, you can just be going through the motions on these songs and it looks right, but I can't hear your tone.I'm not criticising, I want to hear your bass more and the music less.
First of all, I like to create a balanced mix. I always start with removing the original bassline as far as the mix allows. Then I mix my recorded bass track with the remaining track. If you listen to the original Fraek Out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlvnKgqijmw, You'll hear the difference in tone and playing style. On my YT channel you'll find numerous covers where I played a different bassline, or with a different tone. Good speakers or full size headphones help a lot of course. Above all, we all have our personal preferences, which is a good thing. Here's a video that explains my way of working:Have a nice weekend,Jay
Thanks for the info Jay. That was my next question. How. I do agree with Iamark the bass could be a little louder, since you're making a bass video.
If I really listen hard I can hear the bass, but not much.
Many original songs are mixed with the bass at a pretty low level. In most cases my bass is just a bit louder than the original. I guess it's my preference to keep the composition rather balanced. I'm not criticizing others, but I just don't see why I should overplay a song. After all, making music is fun, not a contest.
Yes, but this is a bass forum. Where bass is obviously King.
Many original songs are mixed with the bass at a pretty low level. In most cases my bass is just a bit louder than the original. I guess it's my preference to keep the composition rather balanced. I'm not criticizing others, but I just don't see why I should overplay a song. After all, making music is fun, not a contest.
Thats cool. I get it. But seriously, show that axe off. Doing bass covers, thats the time for the bass to shine. Just my opinion

Thing I hate most about doing covers is that sometimes my tone is exactly the same as the recording so it's hard to tell what's mine or what's the original recording, does that occasionally happen to anyone else?
Thing I hate most about doing covers is that sometimes my tone is exactly the same as the recording so it's hard to tell what's mine or what's the original recording, does that occasionally happen to anyone else?
I wish. My tone is often a far cry from the one in production.
Thing I hate most about doing covers is that sometimes my tone is exactly the same as the recording so it's hard to tell what's mine or what's the original recording, does that occasionally happen to anyone else?
That's why I remove the original bass line as much as possible. So what I hear must be my bass. I love to be close to the original tone. If I were playing in a cover band, I'd tweak my tone to match the original. I mean, how to cover Motörhead without that typical Lemmy tone? Of course there are some covers where I deliberately dial in another tone, because I don't like the original bass tone. Sometimes I play an octave lower or higher as well.
Thing I hate most about doing covers is that sometimes my tone is exactly the same as the recording so it's hard to tell what's mine or what's the original recording, does that occasionally happen to anyone else?
I wish. My tone is often a far cry from the one in production.
If you just buy a mixer and plug it into your amp you can get amazing tones. I just leave my bass EQ at 12 o'clock and just mess with the mixer's EQ. Plus it makes it louder!
A lot of discussions, not so many videos, so let's rock on with a little more bass in the mix. Sad man's tongue by Volbeat
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