0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Agony Scene — Paint It Black (ver 2) bass tabs

Paint It Black 
Tab by Agony Scene,
Album— The Agony Scene

Tuning— CADG

Intro (00:23)

——————————————| X 4
——12(let ring)

—————————————| X1

Verse (00:34)

I see a red door....


Chorus (00:44)

————————————————————————————————————————————————| X2

Verse 2 (00:53)

——————————————————————————————| X2

Chorus X2 (1:04)

Verse X2 (1:14)

Chorus X2 (1:24)

Soft part (1:34)


Chorus X2 (1:54)

Verse X2 (2:05)

Chorus X2 (2:15)

Bridge (2:25)

——————————————————————————| X2

—0 (play same rythym as bass drum)

Outtro (2:55)

————————————————————————————————| X4
——0(let ring)——7————————————————|(let ring)

—0 (play same as drum until the end)————|
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Agony Scene - Paint It Black (ver 2) Bass Tab

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