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Eminem – Phenomenal

Eminem is a twat, pure and simple

So you like him then?
Latex Sex
Posts: 191
Eminem is a twat, pure and simple

I think he LOVES him
Posts: 285
I hope this doesn't turn into an Eminem love fest
I think he's Vanilla Ice on acid
bass freak
Posts: 320
In the words of Neil Young it's a “PIECE OF CRAP”!!!
Latex Sex
Posts: 191
Just to clarify, other than the person who posted this, nobody seems to care for it very much?
you could be right miss latex
Posts: 285
I'm no expert on the genre but this is just vile, i pity the youth of today
Posts: 461
With all the negative feedback regarding this song I thought is is really that bad? I checked it out & I wish I hadn't. The negative feedback is well deserved.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1938
Well that'll teach you.

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