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a question

Posts: 778
10 years ago
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why is it i am never endingly helping other people. yet when i ask for something it never gets a reply or done?
Posts: 1593
Maybe you'll get something in return soon
Posts: 3143
what you want man
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
And you're surprised at this slam?

At least marko was decent e nought to lend a hand. I applaud you sir.

Anyways what you need bro? I can help you out before I go.
oh no dude it was a life comment / question not directed at the site itself
Posts: 330
oh no dude it was a life comment / question not directed at the site itself
I know that feel bro
Posts: 3143
It's better to give than receive
Posts: 1499
It's better to give than receive

Yeah…as Lux Interior says, Bend Over I'll Drive.
Hahahaha that is hilarious Sid.
Latex Sex
Posts: 191
Gotta say Sid is the laugh master, well neck & neck with Lon
i'll pm you danny

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