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What's an aggressive looking bass for around 350?

lol 450 you can have my 1960s rebuild p bass body, warmoth all rosewood neck. emg pickups. growl like a mofo. looks big and heavy like something you would bash someone's head in with
Posts: 1593
I'm really wanting a BC Rich Kerry King signature but I don't want one of those cheap 200 dolar ones, you know?
Posts: 1593
A P-Bass body? Lol I said something aggressive looking
Posts: 1103
Exactly how aggressive do you want to get?

lol spend the 300 bucks and do cosmetic surgery on one you have. see movie from dusk till dawn when the band is on stage at the bar they are playing on dead humans with strings. is that aggressive enough?
Posts: 1593
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1938
No idea how much it costs, but I doubt there's a more aggressive-looking bass than Jerry Only's :

Posts: 1103
That thing looks dangerous to play.
does he really need 4 pickups? most misfits songs are one or 2 string songs lol
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1938
That bass looks like it could impregnate you with thousands of little baby spiders.

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